Foundation Repair Photo Album
A Chimney Lift & Crack Repair
in Portland, Oregon

The foundation settling resulted in the sinking of this chimney. As the chimney began to slide away a large crack started to develop and continued to pull away on the house dragging it along with it. This picture was taken before the helical piles were installed.

The same cracks appear on the other side of the chimney. These cracks will soon close up after the helical piles are installed.

2 piles will be installed here to support and lift the chimney.

Foreman Leo Smith and company were able to achieve the proper lift to support the chimney foundation and close the cracks.

From the first picture in the album to now there is a major transformation. The piles are installed, foundation supported and the cracks closed. Success!

Here is a close up from the other side of the closed up chimney cracks

After the project is complete and the goals are achieved, nothing left to do but clean up and head out. We take pride in minimizing the destruction we do to the house and the surrounding area, and make every effort to clean up wonderfully afterwards.